England Councils are business as usual as of 30th April 2020. Some delays are occurring but mainly on a more large-scale planning applications or those that require site visits or must go before planning committee.
The target for determination of a typical application is 8 weeks from validation. This target decision date is still applicable although some boroughs have a backlog as a result of furloughing staff, and therefore delays are expected.
Construction sites across England, as opposed to Scotland, are open to builders and progress is being made in the construction industry, however there is an overall slowdown due to the uncertainty. There are some exceptions with a couple of housebuilders mothballing their projects.
The government are proposing changes to the planning system in light of the pandemic and are extending the permitted development rights, specifically conversions to D1 medical uses.
Osborne Planning are monitoring the situation daily and will provide important updates when required. For further information or to discuss your project, Osborne Planning are open for business. Please call us: +44 (0)2031500183 or email: enquiries@osborneplanning.uk